Telehealth is also available to meet your needs through secure confidential connection. Most insurance companies allow for telehealth.


"You can't live a positive life with a negative mind."

Unpredictable and sometimes unkind forces of life keep people emotionally & psychologically paralyzed. At comprehenSELF, we create change that inspires, motivates, and heals. Allowing you to become the best version of yourself. You're a BADASS (Yes, you are. Time to start believing that). We are all unique therefore I strive to identify and support the uniqueness, strength, and positiveness that I encounter in each of my clients. My passion is to empower clients to become their true selves. I'm committed to helping clients recognize and optimize their strengths working together standing side-by-side with my clients we create the change that inspires motivates heals and strengthens leading to a content, completely awsome joyful life.

Meet Linda Shkreli-Mosed

I’m sure you’re familiar with those therapists that you’ve seen on TV that ask how does that make you feel, speak in that monotone dull voice that would put anyone to sleep. I promise that’s not me I’m very personable, approachable, genuine , nonjudgmental and pretty laid-back and yes I have a potty mouth.